Doesn't matter if its WOW or just stick
Thing I would like to add. Stick movies in general are usually not really appreciated. There are however some very good ones, using either great magic effects or enduring battles with more than two sticks fighting continuesly.
The damage part has some potential, something with healthbars, critical strikes and such may be a nice bonus. However your stick fights must be of gruesome quality to be even accepted. (In my opinion, ofcourse random stick fights might get a score of 2, but is that really worth your time)
So to conclude. Do something with the stick fights, magic / damage output wise.
I wouldn't go for a WoW theme, since machinima's are so much better to achieve that. So just go for stick fights (add a little story) and the damage output and you should be going for decent score of 3.
Good luck!